Wrath of the Machine
390 Raid Completion
Need assistance completing the Wrath of the Machine raid? Our Guardian.Services team consists of some of the best PVE players around! We have helped hundreds of guardians get this raid completed. Even if you are under-leveled and don’t have the best weapons we are able to clear this raid for you, guaranteed.
The Wrath of the Machine raid drops the highest level gear available in the game. You can expect weapon and armor drops up to 4 levels above your current light level, and we make sure that you are the maximum possible light when we do the raid for you regardless of what weapons and armor that requires us to use. If you are at 396 light or higher you will be getting light level 400 drops.
This service includes:
- A detailed list of each drop that you got at each boss
- All 4 hidden Siva Clusters will be collected that are in the raid
- Each hidden chest will be opened for more Siva Fragments and possible Exotic drops
- Two segments of the Rise of Iron record book: “Meddle with Metal” and “High-Speed Crash”
- The Heroic mode emblem “Machine God’s Bane”
Challenge Modes will be completed with this service! (If it is the weekly featured raid) You will get an Adept weapon, Age of Triumph ornament and the Challenge Mode emblem.
Required light level is 365. If you are under the required light level please contact us first, we may still be able to work on your account.
We provide this service by account recovery (us signing onto your profile) or we can carry you with our team. If you are ordering a carry, please contact us via livechat before ordering to see the status of our available partners.
A raid carry is more expensive because we will be coordinating a full team of experienced raiders to complete the entire activity with you. We will be explaining each step to you and show you the locations of all of the Siva Clusters and hidden chests. We will also guide you on the best techniques, weapons, and perks to use that will make the raid significantly easier for you. We only speak English, so please understand that while we can carry players that speak other languages we won’t be able to communicate as well if you don’t speak or understand English.
If ordering an account recovery please fill in your login information at checkout so that we can work on your account. We will try contacting you directly 15 minutes before we sign onto your profile. If ordering a carry you do not need to enter that information.
If you have any questions or concerns about this product please use our contact form or contact our live chat.
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